Journal 8.18.17

Friday – Sometimes it’s hard to believe how fast the days and weeks go by. This daily routine we have on TX DR, or in prisons in genera,l rarely changes and when we do the same thing over and over we stop paying attention and the days and weeks blur together and when we look ... Read More

Journal 8.12.17

Saturday – It’s mid morning as I take time to write today. It’s heating up in this part of Texas with the high temps around 97F today. I am grateful that the vent system works well in my cell, but I am ready to go back to Dallas County where the building is air-conditioned. That ... Read More

Journal 8.11.17

Friday – Another week has flown by and it’s the beginning of the weekend for me. This week has brought us the start of preseason American football. I think back to my earliest years when I was 5-6 years old in Midland TX and we had three channels on the TV. They were the ABC, ... Read More

Texas Death Row News 8.11.17

November 16, 2017 Execution Date set for Texas Death Row Prisoner Larry Swearingen Texas Death Row prisoner Larry Swearingen has been given an execution date for November 16, 2017 by the State of Texas. Swearingen, who is 46 years old, has been on Texas death row since July 2000, and we’ve been friends since 2002. ... Read More

Journal 8.8.17

Tuesday – This morning I was pleasantly surprised with a visit with the Rev. He has been ill and I’ve not seen him in over a month and I have been thinking of him a lot. Well he surprised me at 8 am this morning. He was doing okay – and we have a great ... Read More

Journal 8.4.17

Friday – I look up and another week has zoomed by. Each day brings me closer to my trip back to Dallas. I am super ready for that. My focus has been on preparing myself for the opportunity the trip back for the evidentiary hearing brings. I have my weekend planned out – lots of ... Read More

Journal 8.1.17

Tuesday – I visited with Glenna yesterday and had a great time with her. I always have a good visit with her and come away feeling so much better after my time with her. I saw someone in the visit room who told me about Big Tai’s last days. He had difficulties with his last ... Read More

Journal 7.31.17

Monday – Back into working at getting as much done as I can each and every day. I am super aware of what is to come in the very near future so I’ve got to get as much done as I can today. here lately I choose to refuse recreation and keep my focus and ... Read More

Journal 7.28.17

Friday – My brother Tiachin Preyor was executed last night. He was pronounced dead at 9:22 PM. I HATE THIS PLACE. ... Read More

Journal 7.27.17

Thursday – Today is my brother Taichin Preyor’s execution date. This is the date the State of Texas has chosen to murder him in the name of justice and if the state has their way, he will not see tomorrow. It is especially difficult for me to think about the men who I have grown ... Read More