Looking Forward – Dreaming

June 11, 2017

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is a reality.”          –John Lennon

Dear Friends,

As I sit in this 9×12 foot cell that I’ve been locked away in for nearly two decades I think back to when I was first sent to Texas death row. In 1999 I was just another indigent prisoner of color from Dallas, Texas, a city known for the racist views it’s government officials have against minorities, and I’d just been through a sham trial and sentencing process that I did not understand and had no idea how I had ended up on Texas death row. But I had dream and this dream was to some how, some way, prove that I was an innocent man who had been wrongly convicted. Having a dream at this point in my life was what kept me going, kept the fire within me alive and refused to allow this situation to break me.
Not too long after that a lovely lady named Nelly Paulou from France wrote me and after becoming friends and me sharing what happened to me she became the leader of a Struggle for Justice group that supported me. It was at this point the dream I was dreaming alone started to become reality because I was no longer alone in my dreaming, now many were sharing the same dream with me and working towards manifesting this grand dream into reality.

That was about 15 years ago. To say the least it’s been a harrowing ride and last year I lived under the threat of an execution date for over 5 months. That was the most intense and traumatic event that I have ever experienced and over a year later I am just now overcoming the post traumatic stress syndrome that I was left with which resulted from getting within 6 days of my execution. I think of that time now and what kept me strong, and what was me lifeline was the fact that I knew I was not alone. That me friends and supporters who began dreaming with me were still be me side along with so many more. And what happened next was that my very dire situation went to a once in a lifetime opportunity to prove that I was wrongfully convicted and am Innocent in the evidentiary hearing that’s now set for September 5, 2017. This development is nothing less than a miracle that was manifested by so many friends dreaming together.
And it would not have happened without the love, compassion and support from my friends all across France and the world! Who would have thought that little ole me would somehow find a way to share my dream with others and endure this experience that’s killed so many and now be poised to win my freedom and walk out of this terrible place forever?!

It would have not been possible alone. I would have been pushed out of existence on June 2, 2016 the day the State of Texas had marked for my legal revenge/murder if I did not have each one of you holding me in thought and in prayer and doing all you’ve done and continue to do to support me. For this I am eternally grateful. Not just for me but for all the men and women on death row across this country. Surviving the insanity of being sentenced to death would be impossible without the love and compassion of all those who stand against the death penalty. And for all my brothers and sisters I say thank you!

Things are very exciting for me right now. In less than 90 days I will have the evidentiary hearing and I know that with the continued thoughts, prayers and support from all who stand with me the outcome of the hearing will be a foregone conclusion. In a year, maybe 2 I’ll be living the dream we’ve shared for so long. I’ll be leaving this new age death camp and will live the next 40 years of my life in freedom! I live this, breathe this, believe this and have complete faith in this outcome; and with you by my side who will be able to stand against us and succeed? No one!


Charles D Flores, No 999299