Words That Sustain Me: The Rules of The Redeemed – Part 2

“The Rules of The Redeemed, of The Vessels Who Were Once Broken But Are Now Made  Whole Through Him.” One of the saddest parts about this month’s book Long Way Down was when Jason Reynolds wrote this about the rules: ANOTHER THING ABOUT THE RULES They weren’t meant to be broken. They were meant for ... Read More

Words That Sustain Me: The Rules of The Redeemed – Part 1

“The Rules of The Redeemed, of The Vessels Who Were Once Broken But Are Now Made  Whole Through Him.” One of the saddest parts about this month’s book Long Way Down was when Jason Reynolds wrote this about the rules: ANOTHER THING ABOUT THE RULES They weren’t meant to be broken. They were meant for ... Read More

Words That Sustain Me: The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson

  The book “The Space Between Worlds” is a fantastic tale that is based upon the idea of parallel-universes existing, and multiverse travel is now possible. And on each one of these earths our doppelgängers are living a version of our lives.. I think because I am a Texas Death Row prisoner the idea of ... Read More

Words That Sustain Me: Where The Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls

  Wilson Rawls (1913-1984), grew up in the Ozark Mountains of Oklahoma. The area was so rural that there were no schools for him to attend, so his mother taught him how to read and write. He says that reading “The Call Of The Wild” changed his life and convinced him to become a writer. ... Read More

Words That Sustain Me: Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo

The book “Last Night at the Telegraph Club” by Malinda Lo is a wonderful story that weaves together Chinese-American heritage, 1950’s “Red Scare” paranoia, and forbidden love. Ali recommended this book telling me that it was a great one. When I got it I began to read and could not put it down and read ... Read More